

Farr, 1860 "No one mind can marshall them all." 

"the field of statistics is immense. Its facts are innumerable, and the number of their possible combinations approaches the infinite. No one mind can marshall them all." (Farr 1860: 9)[cited in Goldman 2019]


  • Farr, William, 1860, "Report on the Programme of the Fourth Session of the Statistical Congress". In Programme of the Fourth Session of the International Statistical Congress to Be Held in London on July 16th and Five Following Days. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. p. 9

    • ProgrammeProceedingsとは別物の模様。現在、所蔵館は不明。British Libraryにはある。
    • ただこれは、単にGoldmanの引用ミスである可能性がある。GoldmanはおなじFarr1860の505-507を引用しているが、これは明確にProceedingsの法を指している。ただ、Proceedingsのp. 9はPrince Albertの演説(のフランス語訳版)。
  • Goldman, Lawrence, 2019, "Victorians and Numbers: Statistics and Social Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain" in Plamena Panayotova (ed.) The History of Sociology in Britain Palgrave Macmillan